As promoting your site on the internet becomes tougher and tougher, there are lots of techniques you can use to drive traffic to your site and help to get it in front of highly targeted people.
Many of these techniques involve paying out substantial sums of nfl jersey money for paid advertising, but there are also many other methods that you should be employing which are totally free to use. This article highlights the top five methods which you should most definitely be using as part of your overall online marketing strategy.
1 Articles
Writing and posting articles is one of the best free marketing tools at your disposal. An article written with good content helps to increase your credibility and promotes your name on the web, as your article gets used on other web sites. If you also have a link back to your site, it can interest readers enough to want to know more about you as a writer and further boost your reputation as an expert in your field. There are many free article sites on the net, so post to as many as you can for maximum exposure.
2 Blogging
Creating your own blog basically gives you another web site on to which you can personally post your articles and other media, such as your videos, and have them all in one place. It also again helps promote brand you to other users, and further increase your credibility.
3 Social networking
Possibly a whole new topic on itscheap nfl jerseys own! In its simplest form, using sites like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter it all is about spreading the word about you as a person, so that you gain credibility when customers are deciding whether to purchase from you, or your competition. Who do they trust and relate to most? If you can give them more information about you, they will undoubtedly feel more confident about you. It is also a very important tool to promote linking.
4 Video sites
Video is a very powerful marketing tool, and is rightly becoming increasingly more popular. However, most people will only think of YouTube when thinking of a public video site, but there are many other sites that you can also post your videos on for free, such as Metacafe or Yahoo. When you have spent time producing your video and posted it on YouTube, it doesn't take a great deal longer to then add it to the other sites and help increase your exposure further.
5 Linking
Possibly one of the most important methods you can use to help increase your traffic. Linking can occur in almost everything you do online, so it makes sense to think about how you can maximise it and exploit it fully. When another website picks up and publishes your articles or videos, you will automatically get a new link partner. In the previous four methods, linking is used in all of nfl jerseys them. Link popularity is one of the main factors used by search engines in determining search engine rankings, and can help to put your site in the top ten rankings every time.
As you can see, it's not rocket science, but you do need to have the desire and dedication to keep using and updating these free resources, which will, over time, most definitely bring increased traffic to your sites.