as a child. The boys have learned to act tough and aggressive by their coaches, teammates and even their parents. Children learn to use their body and strength to put the players in competition. A good punch to be encouraged. This reinforces positive children with aggressive behavior. The boys have learned to be strong, you have no fear and be a man The name of the game is difficult, dominant and show no weaknesses. Unfortunately, children are not taught to play football, that this behavior is acceptable only on the field. As children play football in adolescence and adulthood, they learned to use aggression and dominant win. This is the behavior that can lead to domestic violence against women. Football does not teach how to connect to player with a woman. Is it the fault of the soccer coaches and parents should take responsibility? The correct answer is that both must take responsibility. If you plan to reward a child for violent behavior, while playing football, you should teach children, their behavior if they manage not to play football. I think learning from childhood to the end of the NFL, football players must, control aggressive and violent. We need to teach that violence is not Pittsburgh Steelers jersey
acceptable outside the court, especially against women. The divorce rate among NFL players is very high. Players bring violence and aggressive energy they have in the cabin. After practice or a game, the adrenaline of the player's fluid and can have great energy booster. If the player was a great game that lost its team, which may increase the likelihood of domestic violence. If the football world, where the problems between the players sometimes resolve the fighting and pushing each other to take this behavior becomes second nature to the players. In football, if someone is in your face, he removed them. There is a difference between a player pushing high
275 in the face and pushed a 130-pound woman from her face. Which does not seem the players can be fatal if a woman used, and most of the time, it reflects
years of physical with other players. That is why it is so important that, since childhood, football players have learned to control his behavior off the field. The NFL has programs to teach the players how they behave off the pitch. The problem is that when a player comes to the NFL it's almost too late to inform the conduct of the inspection. At this point the player has spent more than half his life teaches us, physical and aggressive. This problem is now so deeply in the minds of the players that is very difficult to change deeply rooted. It is therefore very important for soccer coaches and parents teach children how to behave off the field and are friendly to women.
If you read this article a parent, please talk with your child Minnesota Vikings jersey
about violence and violent behavior towards others, especially women, think again.
Yes, the physical and aggressive behavior acceptable on the football field with other players, but it is the only place that is acceptable. Off the field, players must learn to control their aggressive behavior and get your thoughts with problems, not solve his body.