
the middle of the 18th Dynasty, slightly before the reign of Thutmose III (ca. 1506–1452 BC), the father of Amenhotep II, was it used as an epit

ftains,” whose names are all left unrecorded.20 In the Memphis Stele of Amenhotep II, reference is made to his campaigns in Edom, Canaan, and Syria. All of the foreign kings whom he defeated, deposed, or killed also went unnamed in this victory stele. Mention was even made of the chieftains of Naharin (the land to the east of the Euphrates River), Khatti (the Hittites), and Babylon. Despite the prominence of these kings, they nonetheless remain anonymous as well.21 During the Ramesside period (ca. 1300–1100 BC), the singular term “pharaoh” was widely used, continuing to be popular until the late period. As Hoffmeier states, “From its inception until the tenth century [BC], the term ‘Pharaoh’ stood alone, without juxtaposed personal name. In subsequent periods, the name of the monarch was generally added on.”22 Therefore, Moses’ practice of omitting pharaoh’s throne-name next to the dynastic title, “pharaoh,” followed the standard practice of the day in ancient Egypt, not coincidentally the site of his literary training. Moreover, Moses also refrained from writing the names of other pharaohs who are attested in the Pentateuch, including the “good pharaoh” whom Jacob blessed and Joseph faithfully served (Gen 47:7). What theological reason could there be for omitting the name of this blessed pharaoh? Certainly the answer cannot be, “To keep him humble!”, since Moses wrote centuries after both this pharaoh and his dynasty had disappeared from the earth. Therefore, the exodus-pharaoh’s name was neither omitted for theological reasons, nor to discourage the curiosity of modern historians who desire to identify him. Instead, the exodus-pharaoh’s throne-name is absent for one reason alone: a skilled writer named Moses, born in Egypt and trained as a prince in all of the ways of the royal court of Egypt (Acts 7:22), followed the standard practice of his day by leaving unnamed the foreign monarch who assumed the role of a dreaded enemy of his own nation, in this case Israel. 2. Biblical Chronology: Precisely Dating the Exodus. Before proceeding, the exact date of the exodus must be established. The central text for this crucial historical event, 1 Kgs 6:1, connects the exodus to later Israelite history by noting that Solomon began constructing the Temple in the 480th year after the exodus, signifying an elapsed time of 479+ years.23 All but the minimalists agree that the counting of the 479+ years should begin with May of 967 or 966 BC, depending on whether one accepts Young’s or Thiele’s version of Solomon’s regnal dates.24 Thus the 479+ years began either in 1446 or 1445 BC, either of which can be substantiated by the Biblical text and harmonized with the conclusions drawn from the present work. a. The Case for Dating the Exodus to 1446 BC. A compelling argument for choosing 1446 BC is that the Jubilee cycles agree with this date exactly, yet are completely independent of the 479+ years of 1 Kgs 6:1. The Jubilee dates are precise only if the priests began counting years when they entered the land in 1406 BC (cf. Lev 25:2–10). The Talmud (‘Arakin 12b) lists 17 cycles from Israel’s entry into Canaan until the last Jubilee in 574 BC, which is 14 years after Jerusalem’s destruction by using the Tishri calendar, a statement also found in chap. 11 of The Seder ‘Olam, which predates the Talmud.25 Consequently, 1446 BC is preferred over 1445 BC.26 b. The Case for Dating the Exodus to 1267 BC.Some prefer dating the exodus to 1267 BC, interpreting “480th” figuratively. Actually, “Dating the period of the oppression and exodus to the fifteenth century B.C. has largely been replaced in favor of a thirteenth-century date.”27 One reason for this surge is an alleged superior correspondence with the historical and archaeological record, since (1) the earliest extra-biblical attestation to Israel’s presence in Canaan is the Merneptah Stele of ca. 1219 BC, and (2) no evidence of the Israelites in Canaan from ca. 1400–1200 BC even exists. However, late-exodus proponents should remember that there is also an “invisibility of the Israelites in the archaeology of Canaan between ca. 1200 and 1000” BC,28 so the extension of their invisibility by two more centuries should create no additional burden. Moreover, Millard notes by analogy that the Amorites are absent from the archaeology of Babylonia, as only the texts attest to their presence, yet no scholar doubts their impact on Mesopotamia’s history in the early second millennium BC.29 A second reason for this surge is that Rameses, the store-city that the Israelites built (Exod 1:11), is usually identified with Pi-Rameses, which flourished from ca. 1270–1100 BC and was comparable to the largest cities of the ANE, but was built only during the reign of Rameses II (ca. 1290–1223 BC).30 Shea rebuts that “Raamses” was used of the land to which the patriarchs traveled several centuries earlier (Gen 47:11), when no ruler bore the name

suggesting that both references may be a divinely-overseen
updating of an earlier place-name.31 Whether or not Exod 1:11 is anachronistic, there is no guarantee that Pi-Ramesses is biblical Rameses. Scolnic warns, “The truth is that there are very few sites indeed that yield the kind of evidence required to make the site identifications that we, especially we who are openly interested in religion, yearn to make.”32 Yet the presumption that Biblical Rameses could not have been inhabited before Rameses II has driven the movement to advance the date of the exodus forward by two centuries, with the view’s proponents interpreting “480th” in 1 Kgs 6:1 as being merely a symbolical number.Two options exist for allegorizing “the 480th year.” The first option is that the number 480 is the sum of 12 eras consisting of 40-year generations: 20 years for one generation to live to child-bearing age, then 20 years for their children to do likewise. When totaled, these 12 eras of 22–25 actual years supply the 288–300 years needed to support the late-exodus theory.33 By counting back 300 years from 967 BC, the exodus dates to ca. 1267 BC, which falls within the exceedingly long reign of Rameses II.34 The second option for the number 480 is what Kitchen calls “the nonoppressions aggregate theory.” Here, the 480 years consist of nine periods of 40 years (=360 years), the third of which is actually 80 years (2 x 40), plus five aggregate periods of varying lengths. When totaled, the sum is a neat 480 years.35c. The Inadequacy of Interpreting the 480th Year of 1 Kgs 6:1 Allegorically.One weakness with any allegorical interpretation is that in 1 Kgs 6:1, the author used an ordinal number, not a cardinal, making a figurative use even more inexplicable. Another weakness is that the exodus-pharaoh followed an exceedingly lengthy reign, not boasted one, as does Ramses II. Moses fled from pharaoh, who sought to execute him for killing an Egyptian (Exod 2:15), departing from Egypt when he “was fulfilling 40 years of age” (A

; (20:19). Yet the demeanor of the disciples changed dramatically after the giving of the Holy Spirit on Shavuot (the Day of Pentecost) in Acts 2. The

uch later tradition places the burial of Mary in Ephesus in present day Turkey (Meinardus 1979: 113-117). The house where she allegedly resided was located on the mountain south of the city of Ephesus. The location of this house was supposedly revealed to Sister Catherine Emmerich in a vision (1774-1824). The name of this nun might ring a bell in some peoples mind because she was the source for some of the unbiblical scenes and events depicted in Mel Gibson’s film, “The Passion of the Christ.”In Dr. Rahmani’s catalogue of ossuaries, he observed that: “In Jerusalem’s tombs, the deceased’s place of origin was noted when someone from outside Jerusalem and its environs was interred in a local tomb. Thus, Bet She’an-Scythopolis is mentioned in a bilingual inscription (No. 139), Berenike (No. 404) and Ptolemais (No. 99), both probably cities in Cyrenaica, each occur once” (1994: 17). This last ossuary (No. 99) was originally published by Prof. Nahman Avigad which was in a collection of ossuaries that were discovered in a tomb in the Kidron Valley on November 10, 1941 and excavated by Prof. E. L. Sukenik. There were eleven plain ossuaries that did not have any decorations on them, but all had inscriptions with the names of the individuals that were reburied in the ossuary. Two of the ossuaries had place names of where the individual was from. Avigad concluded that the “family must have come from one of the large Jewish communities of the Diaspora–Egypt or Cyrenaica…Cyrenaica is more likely to have been the country of origin of this family. Its members belonged apparently to the community of Cyrenian Jews which is known to have existed in Jerusalem in the time of the Second Temple. In the New Testament mention is made of their synagogue (Acts 6:9)” (1962: 12). In the Dominus Flavit necropolis another Cyrenian named Pilon was buried with a Greek inscription on his ossuary (Bagatti and Milik 1981: 81, 91; Fig. 23, no. 3).Since Jesus and His family were from Nazareth in Lower Galilee and not Jerusalem in Judea, one would expect a place of origin after the name of the deceased. For example, Jesus of Nazareth, Jose of Nazareth, Matthew of Capernaum, Mary of Nazareth, Mariamene of Magdala, and Judah son of Yeshua from Nazareth. No place of origin is given on any of the ossuaries, which indicates that were all Jerusalemites from Judea.Is Dr. Rahmani justified in saying Mary and Joseph were husband and wife? Sometimes inscriptions on the ossuaries tell the relationship between people, i.e. son of, daughter of, husband of, or wife of, etc. In the case of Marya, there is no relationship indicator, so we do not know if she was the mother, wife, sister, aunt or daughter of Joseph, Yeshua, Yehuda, one of the three skulls on the floor, or someone in the uninscribed ossuaries.The ossuary containing the bones of “Yeshua” (704) could not be that of Jesus of Nazareth for two reasons. First, the New Testament is very clear, Jesus bodily rose from the dead. Since His flesh did not see corruption (Ps. 16:8-11; Acts 2:25-32), there could be no need for an ossuary. Second, ossuary No. 702 contained the bones of “Yehuda, the son of Yeshua.” Apparently the Yeshua of ossuary No. 704 had a son named Yehuda. Again the Gospels are clear: Jesus never married and never had children (see J&P 2007: 105). Also, both Rahmani and Kloner have questions marks after the reading of the name Yeshua on the “Yeshua, son of Joseph” ossuary. Others have suggested the name actually read Hanun.In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, one of the excavators, Amos Kloner, states: “It makes a great story for a TV film. But it's completely impossible. It's nonsense. There is no likelihood that Jesus and his relatives had a family tomb. They were a Galilee family with no ties in Jerusalem. The Talpiot tomb belonged to a middle class family from the 1st century CE.“Did the Mariamene Ossuary Contain the Bones of Mary Magdalene?Simcha tries to argue, based on a conversation with Dr. Bovon of Harvard Divinity School,

That Mary Magdalene was the Mariamne, the sister of Philip,
In the 4th century Apocryapha book, the Acts of Philip (J&P 2007: 95-103). This Mariamne was the one whose bones were buried in the Talpiyot ossuary.Dr. Richard Bauckham, a New Testament scholar, stated in a blog on the Internet: “There is no reason at all to connect the woman in this ossuary with Mary Magdalene, and in fact the name usage is decisively against such a connection.”There is also a chronological problem concerning the “bones.” According to the scenario in the book, Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and they had a son Judah. That son was the “Beloved Disciple” at the Last Supper and the young boy who ran away naked from Gethsemane (Mark 14:51), who was about 10-13 years old (J&P 2007: 207-209). Assuming this is true for a minute, and assuming Jesus was crucified in AD 30, let’s crunch the numbers. Judah would have been born between AD 17 and AD 20. That would place the wedding of Jesus and Mary Magdalene between AD 16 and AD 19. Assuming Mary MagdalenRosetta Stone Japanese


10 Mar 11 All About Finding the Finest Prom Limousine pany in Daytona Beach

All About Finding the Finest Prom Limousine pany in Daytona BeachBy: Bill Nelson11 .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet Hunting for the Best Daytona Beach Limousine is frequently a chaotic mission . With tons of startup limo panies in Daytona Beach, it can be super easy to make a mistake. This article will offer you a few important vital hints and advice on what to consider when deciding on a Daytona Beach Limousine Service. First of all you should look for a directory online pertaining to Daytona Beach Limo pany. There's at the minimum ten limousine service directories available on-line intended to present you with local Daytona Beach listings. You also can search the web by inputting the term "Daytona Beach limo pany" or "Daytona Beach limousine pany". This really should produce 12-11 in Daytona Beach that you can call. Be careful on the pany you use. A few Daytona Beach Limo may be tailored to a specific niche. For example, some limo panies are for private people like celebrities and diplomats. Other Daytona Beach Limo pany will be more amenable for things like weddings, proms and party buses. Anyone generally should be able to find on the service's web-site what areas their specialty is. Now that you've obtained your list of Daytona Beach Limo panies, you should make certain you ask the right questions.Based upon on what you're seeking out, the two details you should be mindful of are total price and the level of quality. Value is a piece of cake to assess as you can merely review prices. For prom you could go with the lowest fee, but don't go too low-cost, do not forget, you get what you pay for. Also, if a discount sounds to good to be true, it usually is. Don't be afraid to walk away. Good quality on the other hand, is a lot tougher to calculate. If you're planning a wedding, you would want to get some fresh testimonials from other couples. Needless to say you want your nuptials to be the best so it's a smart move to spend the extra time and probably a little additional coin to guarantee you have the right Daytona Beach Limousine Service for what may be the biggest day in your life.In the end, once you have determined the perfect Daytona Beach Limo Service, make sure that you reserve your limo several days in advance to make sure your limousine is reserved and the limousine pany book your date. The last thing you desire is for the limo pany to be booked already for your date. Hopefully this guide has delivered you a break down of what you should expect and the key things to look for when deciding on a Daytona Beach Limousine pany. And never forget, cruising in a limo is meant to be a very pleasurable and glamorous experience. Most Daytona Beach Limo are aware of this and will do their very best to deliver you with the very best memories of that bachelor party or that night out with the guys.Article Source: abcarticledirectoryDaytona Beach Limousine panies Website Development by SEO Web DesignsNote: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Bill Nelson11Retargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Auditing via RSS!Additional Articles From - Home Accounting AuditingWhat you need to know about Auditing from the experts.- By : john newportCulture and business proposition- By : foxhatsNavigating Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions- By : Sawyer AdamsAbout The National Association Of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)- By : Sawyer AdamsThe History Of Enrolled Agents- By : Sawyer AdamsThe Canon Sd780is Black Silver Gold Red - Very Nice Christmas Gift- By : ArticleSubmit AutoIRS Increasing Enforcement Activity- By : Sawyer AdamsDestination Military Surplus Products- By : Ali Khan5 Tips For Getting The Right Health Insurance For Your Needs- By : danica12 Quick Tips For Eye Shadow- By : Ali Khan Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!


5 Mar 11 3 Common Mistakes that Will Crush Your Affiliate Marketing Profits

3 Common Mistakes that Will Crush Your Affiliate Marketing ProfitsBy: Mal Keenan .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet As an affiliate marketer, I have made many mistakes over the years. Some I have learnt from and others I still continue to make from time to time. What can I say? I'm a slow learner.Affiliate marketing is the easiest business to get into when setting up your own online home business. This is so because you don't need your own product, you don't take care of the after-sales process, you don't even have to worry about payment processing. This is all done on your behalf. Your job is to refer prospects to the sales website and collect your check at the end of the month.Sounds easy, right?Well compared to setting up your own product or service, affiliate marketing is a lot NHL Jersey
more straight forward. However, there are a few pitfalls that could seriously damage your profits if you don't take them into consideration when getting started.Here are three of the most common mistakes that are familiar to all affiliate marketers:1. Not Using the Product or Service Beforehand - This is quite obvious really! If you haven't used a product or service then how are you going to effectively sell it to others? Don't get me wrong, I have sold products in the past without knowing what I was selling and have indeed made some sales but this is the wrong way to go about an affiliate marketing business. Not only will you quickly lose the trust of your email list members but it is simply not as effective as when you can give an honest review of whatever you are offering. You don't always have to buy the product. Try contacting the product owner, explain that you wan't to help them sell their product and ask for a copy in order that you may review it. They won't always comply. The more successful you have shown to sell products in the past the more likely they are to send you a complimentary copy. If all else fails, buy the product, you will soon make your money back in affiliate sales.2. Promoting the Wrong Affiliate Product - I see affiliate programs out there offering commissions as low as 5% on $30 products. Personally I would not go near these. Some internet marketers will offer commissions as high as 75% to get you to sell their wares. 50-75% is common for info products and this is what you should be aiming for when starting out. It is also prudent to check how successful sales of the product has been. You can be almost certain that if there are a lot online marketers selling a service that it has proven it's ability to sell to a target market. Clickbank also list their affiliate products in order of sales ability so this is a good place to start.If you chose a product with either low commissions or a crappy sales record then you will be losing a lot of money on both counts. The important thing to remember is that you can make a lot more money out of the same workload IF you Tampa Bay Lightning jersey
make the right decisions.3. Joining too Many Affiliate Programs - This is one I am personally guilty off but I'm learning to focus my resources and am finding more success doing this. Have you checked your email inbox lately? No doubt it is filled with the latest hot offers. 99% of these are being sold by affiliate marketers.It is all too easy to sign up for every new service that comes along promising instant profits for affiliates. You could find yourself a member of tens of affiliate programs and no further on in terms of increased income.Find a suitable product, following the credentials in step 2 and focus on this. At least wait until you are making a profit in one program before moving on to another.If you follow the steps above you will be off to a great start in the affiliate marketing arena and will significantly maximise your profits. You will certainly start off on a better track than most burgeoning affiliate marketers.Article Source: http://www.shop-on-sale.com Mal Keenan is editor and publisher of Best Rated Home Based Businesses Newsletter.For An Online Home Business You Can REALLY Believe In Check Out: Top Home Base BusinessesNote: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Mal KeenanRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Affiliate Programs What Cloth Diaper Provides The Top Match For Newborns?- By : mirtagaylWhat is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Should Do It?- By : James A AndersonEarning Money Quickly With Email Marketing - True or False?- By : chad buistMoney Creating Tips For Individuals Involved In An Online Affiliate Marketing Home Business- By : Johnny Lightning jersey
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24 Jan 11 Nebraska Allowed To Prosper While A.J. Green Punished

Georgia WR A.J. GreenKevin C. Cox/Getty ImagesThere are a lot of things I love about college football. I love the pageantry, I love the excitement, and I love the tradition. I love pretty much everything about the sport with very few exceptions. But if thereone thing that I simply canstand, it's the double standards Reebok Minnesota Vikings #84 Randy Moss Realtree camo Jersey
when it comes to shortchanging the players.It seems that in recent years we have seen far too many cases of players being screwed by the system and being hurt by silly technicalities while schools and athletic departments sit back and load their pockets with cash. The most recent case involves Georgia junior wide receiver A.J. Green, one of the most talented players in the nation. Must Read: 50 Greatest Football Catches of All-Time Green, a player who undoubtedly has an NFL future ahead of him, has been forced to sit out the first four games of the season after it was discovered he sold a game worn jersey from last yearIndependence Bowl to an agent for $1,000.He was forced to repay the amount out of his own pocket to a charity of his choosing in order to become eligible.Remember that Green, like the rest of the college football players in America, has no time for a job and has no source of income other than a small weekly stipend he receives from Georgia to cover living costs.Green expressed remorse and apologized to teammates and fans for his bad judgment. But it doesnchange the fact that his all important junior season has been affected by a rule that seems biased in every way imaginable. Go to any Georgia Bulldogs apparel store and youll see GreenNo. 8 jersey with a hefty price tag upwards of Reebok Pittsburg Steelers #83 Heath Miller Realtree camo Jersey
$60, which the school directly profits from without Green receiving a dime. Seems a bit unfair, right?Now as the receiver prepares for his return to the field this weekend against Colorado comes news that sheds light on the evident hypocrisies in college football.The Nebraska Cornhuskers will be auctioning game worn jerseys from their October 16th match up with Texas at a minimum bid of $250. The profits raised from the auction will directly benefit the Nebraska athletic department. Letdo the math - with about 100 or so players on the roster, thata minimum of $25,000 dollars the Cornhuskers will be making even though the profits are likely to be much higher. Now thatnot to say Nebraska is wrong for auctioning off the jerseys to raise money for the athletic department. Itdefinitely a wise business decision. But on the heals of the Green case, it seems like the NCAA is further spitting in the faces of the kids they've sworn to help. It just goes to show that on the totem pole of college athletics, the athletes we all love to watch sit firmly at the the bottom. Itthe schools who hold all the power when it comes to earning money even though they're the ones directly benefiting from the skills of the players. If I were A.J. Green, I would say OK since you felt the need to suspend me well then youre going to have to Arizona Cardinals jersey
take my face off every $10 program, off of every billboard promoting the school and keep my jersey off of your shelves. Ittrue that college athletics gives a great stage for some of the countrybest young athletes to shine, but more often than not it seems they are the ones who come up short in the end.


22 Jan 11 South Florida Must Contain Western Kentucky's Bobby Rainey

Eric Francis/Getty ImagesThe South Florida Bulls were on a bye this past weekend, which was one weekend removed from their 38-14 loss against the No. 9 Florida Gators. This weekend should be much kinder to the Bulls (1-1) as they face a Western Kentucky team that has lost 23 games in a row. However, the Bulls can not get lazy or take the Hilltoppers (0-3) lightly as they have one of the most explosive and talented running backs in the nation in junior Bobby Rainey. Rainey, who is ranked fifth in the nation in rushing yards, has faced some tough Reebok Green Bay Packers #52 Clay Matthews Realtree camo Jersey
competition with the likes of No. 8 Nebraska and Kentucky, who both have 3-0 records. Rainey is thickly built at 5'7" and 196 pounds. So far this season, he has accumulated 444 yards and five touchdowns on 73 carries giving him an average of 6.1 yards per carry. During the 2009 campaign, Rainey hovered around the 1,000 yard mark when he gained 939 yards on 144 touches, giving him an average of 6.5 yards per carry. The Bulls must be wary of Rainey for his ability to break a big run of 40 yards or more. There is no doubt that Rainey will get the ball all day and will most likely break the 100 yard mark, but they can not allow him to go the distance and score touchdowns during the duration of the game. The next two games for the South Florida Bulls should be confidence-builders as they face the Hilltoppers, then the FAU Owls before their Big East opener against Syracuse.


18 Jan 11 Miami Hurricanes Football 2010: Previewing The Pittsburgh Game

Jamie Sabau/Getty ImagesThe No. 19 Miami Hurricanes blow into Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, PA to take on the Pitt Panthers in an ACC versus Big East match up this Thursday night at 7:30 p.m.The Miami Hurricanes (1-1) are coming off a bye week in which they had time to recover from a very Atlanta Falcons jersey
physical, mistake riddled 36-24 loss to No. 2 Ohio State on Sept. 11.They will look to clean up their act against a Pitt team that does not present nearly as many challenges as the Buckeyes did.The first thing that needs to be corrected is the sloppy ball handling and poor decisions early in the game by Miami QB Jacory Harris. His four interceptions, especially one that ended a scoring chance that would have closed the gap to just two points early in the third quarter, were just too much for this offense to overcome.Dating back to last season, Harris has now thrown 12 interceptions and just five TDin the Hurricanes last five losses. It is important to note that three of those interceptions can be credited to his wide receivers dropping passes or running incorrect routes.RB Damien Berry had a fairly productive game against the Buckeyes, rushing for 94 yards on 16 carries for a 5.9 average yards per carry. Look for Berry, Lamar Miller, and the running game to be a big part of Miamigame plan against the Panthers who boast one of the best pass rushing defensive lines in the country. Baltimore Ravens jersey
Pittsburgh (1-1) is coming off a bye week as well, after pounding out a 38-16 win over New Hampshire two weeks ago. This game followed a bitter opening day 27-24 OT loss to Utah that knocked the Panthers from the ranks of the top 25. Pittsburgh was an underdog coming into the Utah game despite being ranked No. 15 at the time.The Panthers are led by QB Tino Sunseri, who has completed 64.5 percent of his passes for 459 yards and three TDthis season. Running Back Dion Lewis has been the workhorse for the Panthers, leading the team with 35 carries for 102 yards.Expect Pitt to try and establish the run early in this game in order to open up some opportunities for Sunseri to take a few shots deep down field.The Hurricanes and Panthers are old conference rivals from their days in the Big East, but they have not met since 2003 because of Miamimove to the ACC. In their last meeting Miami came away with a 28-14 win against the Panthers.The Panthers defense will have to keep this game close by keeping pressure on Harris, and may find some success early with one of Buffalo Bills jersey
Miamioffensive lineman Joel Figueroa possibly not playing on Thursday.Expect the Hurricanes to bottle up Lewis and force Tin Sunseri to beat them with his arm, and the Miami offense will break through in the second half to put this game away.Final Score Miami 31 Pitt 20


15 Jan 11 San Francisco 49ers Alex Smith

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Alex Smith seems to have a problem on his hands, full pun intended. The first overall draft pick heading into this season, the man who played quarterback alongside this years Heisman winner Reggie Bush, the man who is supposed to be the future at quarterback for the 49ers, just cannot seem to hold onto the football. In the 49ers loss (and by loss I mean defeat, pounding, slaughtering…) to the Seahawks this past week, Alex Smith fumbled three times. His season total for fumbles is approaching double digits. Both the 49ers Reebok Minnesota Vikings #4 Brett Favre Realtree camo Jersey
coach Mike Nolan, and Smith have recognize that this fumbleitis is a problem. Apparently the team is taking steps to correct it by practicing with only brand new footballs (which are more slick because of a thing film the balls have on them when they come out of the box) – but I suggest this is not enough. There are not enough weeks left in the season for the 49ers to slowly try and solve this problem. Action, firm action, needs to be taken now. And so I propose the following three ideas.1) Do not just practice with new footballs. Make Smith throw wet footballs, cold footballs, over inflated footballs, under inflated footballs, icy footballs, hot footballs, muddy footballs – well you get the picture. We are not talking peewee football here, a professional accountant can pick up any calculator and calculate a companies net income, likewise a professional quarterback should be able to pick up any football and throw it like he is being paid over $40 million dollars to do so.2) Strengthen Smith's grip. Most athletes work on their speed, their arm muscles, their leg muscles, etc. Smith needs to work on his hand muscles. There are numerous exercises from which he can chose to do this, but ultimately the idea is simple. Stronger hand should mean fewer drops.3) Finally, if Smith wants to earn the love of Reebok Minnesota Vikings #69 Jared Allen Realtree camo Jersey
the fans, he should start wearing a glove. Just as Jeff Garcia does, particularly in cold weather, Smith should seriously try playing with a receiver's glove. They are relatively thin, keep the hand warm, and they are sticky. All this with only minimal affect on the ‘feel' quarterbacks need to deliver passes with perfect accuracy. The 49ers need to take major action on this issue, because letting it fester all off-season would be extremely hard to stomach. For all the latest news and resources about the 49ers please visit 49ersparadise.com (0)


14 Jan 11 Carolina Panthers John Kasay Jake Delhomme Steve Smith Julius Peppers Tom Brady Adam Vinatieri

He's been through three different head coaches, numerous starting quarterbacks, a 1-15 season and Super Bowl heartbreak, but Carolina Panthers placekicker John Kasay remains steadfast in his consistency.In a league where kickers are mostly known as nomads who travel to several different teams throughout their Reebok Denver Broncos #15 Tim Tebow Realtree camo Jersey
careers, Kasay has spent his successful 15-season journey with just two organizations. A fourth-round pick out of the University of Georgia, his career began with the Seattle Seahawks in 1991 and ended in the Pacific Northwest at the close of the 1994 season. Outside of a lousy 1992 campaign in which he converted just 63.6 percent of his field goal attempts, Kasay was in the lower 80s in his other three years with the Seahawks.Following his four-year stint in Seattle, Kasay joined the expansion Panthers, hoping to improve his game as a member of a young team. Since then, the 36-year-old has become one of the NFL's best kickers, and has done so as a constant piece on ever-changing rosters in Carolina.Unfortunately for Kasay, whose career clock is likely ticking down, he's yet to hoist a Lombardi Trophy. In their 11-year history, the Panthers have managed to make the postseason just three times.However, with the upcoming season on the way, many across the pro football landscape believe the Panthers are the frontrunners to win their first Super Reebok Green Bay Packers #12 Aaron Rodgers Realtree camo Jersey
Bowl title. Quarterback Jake Delhomme, receiver Steve Smith and defensive end Julius Peppers receive most of the attention and praise, but much of the team's success in 2006 will rely on Kasay, who has converted 80.1 percent of his field goal attempts in 205 career games.Certainly, Kasay would love nothing more than to return to football's biggest stage and make amends for his crucial error in Super Bowl XXXVIII. During that game in February 2004, the Panthers and New England Patriots were tied at 29 late in the fourth quarter when disaster struck for the dependable kicker. In the second biggest Super Bowl kicking gaffe since Scott Norwood in the game's 25th edition, Kasay booted the kickoff out of bounds, giving the Patriots the ball at their own 40. From that point, Pats' quarterback Tom Reebok Green Bay Packers #52 Clay Matthews Realtree camo Jersey
Brady led his team down the field and set up Adam Vinatieri's game-winning kick, which he converted. As a result, Kasay became a source of blame.If the Carolina Panthers do reach the Super Bowl again next February, rest assured that Kasay likely won't make another key error. Instead, he just might turn into a Vinatieri-esque hero and become a beloved figure in Charlotte.--Speak your mind, leave a comment below...Get more on John Kasay

14 Jan 11 Carolina Panthers John Kasay Jake Delhomme Steve Smith Julius Peppers Tom Brady Adam Vinatieri

He's been through three different head coaches, numerous starting quarterbacks, a 1-15 season and Super Bowl heartbreak, but Carolina Panthers placekicker John Kasay remains steadfast in his consistency.In a league where kickers are mostly known as nomads who travel to several different teams throughout their Reebok Denver Broncos #15 Tim Tebow Realtree camo Jersey
careers, Kasay has spent his successful 15-season journey with just two organizations. A fourth-round pick out of the University of Georgia, his career began with the Seattle Seahawks in 1991 and ended in the Pacific Northwest at the close of the 1994 season. Outside of a lousy 1992 campaign in which he converted just 63.6 percent of his field goal attempts, Kasay was in the lower 80s in his other three years with the Seahawks.Following his four-year stint in Seattle, Kasay joined the expansion Panthers, hoping to improve his game as a member of a young team. Since then, the 36-year-old has become one of the NFL's best kickers, and has done so as a constant piece on ever-changing rosters in Carolina.Unfortunately for Kasay, whose career clock is likely ticking down, he's yet to hoist a Lombardi Trophy. In their 11-year history, the Panthers have managed to make the postseason just three times.However, with the upcoming season on the way, many across the pro football landscape believe the Panthers are the frontrunners to win their first Super Reebok Green Bay Packers #12 Aaron Rodgers Realtree camo Jersey
Bowl title. Quarterback Jake Delhomme, receiver Steve Smith and defensive end Julius Peppers receive most of the attention and praise, but much of the team's success in 2006 will rely on Kasay, who has converted 80.1 percent of his field goal attempts in 205 career games.Certainly, Kasay would love nothing more than to return to football's biggest stage and make amends for his crucial error in Super Bowl XXXVIII. During that game in February 2004, the Panthers and New England Patriots were tied at 29 late in the fourth quarter when disaster struck for the dependable kicker. In the second biggest Super Bowl kicking gaffe since Scott Norwood in the game's 25th edition, Kasay booted the kickoff out of bounds, giving the Patriots the ball at their own 40. From that point, Pats' quarterback Tom Reebok Green Bay Packers #52 Clay Matthews Realtree camo Jersey
Brady led his team down the field and set up Adam Vinatieri's game-winning kick, which he converted. As a result, Kasay became a source of blame.If the Carolina Panthers do reach the Super Bowl again next February, rest assured that Kasay likely won't make another key error. Instead, he just might turn into a Vinatieri-esque hero and become a beloved figure in Charlotte.--Speak your mind, leave a comment below...Get more on John Kasay


13 Jan 11 Five Years Later: A 2004 NBA Draft Review

Streeter Lecka/Getty ImagesBack in the summer of 2007, the first year I started writing for Bleacher Report, I decided to do a series of draft recaps examining each draft class after three years in the NBA. I thought three years gave players enough time to develop and gave coaches enough time to best use the players properly. The first draft class was the Dwight Howard class of 2004. I wrote the piece, submitted it to Ryan Alberti (articles weren published automatically until later that year), and afterwards thought, what about foreign players who wouldn play Reebok Green Bay Packers 21 Charles Woodson Realtree camo Jersey
in the United States for a few years? What about players who needed more time to develop? What about players who burst on the scene but turned out to be mere flashes in the pan? It was only fair for me to update the reviews. I decided that three, five, and ten year intervals would be the best chance to accurately judge a draft class. This put me on schedule to update the 2004 class this summer. Except that it inexplicably escaped my mind. Until today. While a draft review is a little bit out of place in the middle of January, it best not to hold this off for too long. It already six months late as is. I will keep the language, lists, and rankings for the three-year review as is, adding current player and pick criticisms below the 2007 ones. The 2007 review will be in italics, while the current review will have a regular font. As always, debate is encouraged. Enjoy! Most analysts agree that a draft can only be accurately judged three years down the road. That gives enough time for the players to develop their game and adjust to the league, while giving managers, coaches, and fans the chance to see what a player can do, what he can do, and what role he can serve on his team. With that as an introduction, I present my analysis of the 2004 Draft. Overall the 2004 draft was nowhere near as superstar-laden as the LeBron, Carmelo, D-Wade draft of '03. Sure, the '04 draft had a number of talented players at the top, but it had little depth, only a few All-Stars, and unless you count Dwight Howard, no real franchise players. Instead, the draft featured a substantial amount of bizarre, irrelevant trades. For example, the 42nd pick was traded three times through four different teams over a four year period for such legendary icons as Anthony Johnson, Yuri Welsch, and Monty Williams. The player selected with the pick was the immortal Viktor Sanikidze, who may or may never play a minute in the NBA. Perplexed? Welcome to the 2004 draft. To give context of how each player turned out in relation to what number he was drafted, Ive created a list of the top five players at each position and the top ten players overall based on impact on their team(s) to date, talent, and player potential, based in that order. And because of the inordinate number of trades, teams will be graded not only on their draft selections but the trades made that season involving the picks. Top Five Centers (2007) 1) Dwight Howard 2) Emeka Okafor 3) Andres Biedrins 4) Robert Swift 5) Rafael Araujo Top Five Centers (2010) 1) Dwight Howard 2) Al Jefferson 3) Emeka Okafor 4) Andris Biedrins 5) Robert Swift Top Three Power Forwards (2007) * (Only three power forwards from the draft have significant NBA experience) 1) Al Jefferson 2) Anderson Varejao 3) Kris Humphries Top Three Power Forwards (2010) * (Only three power forwards from the draft have significant NBA experience) 1) Josh Smith 2) Anderson Varejao 3) Kris Humphries Top Five Small Forwards (2007) 1) Luol Deng 2) Andre Iguodala 3) Josh Smith 4) Reebok Minnesota Vikings #84 Randy Moss Realtree camo Jersey
Trevor Ariza 5) Dorell Wright Top Five Small Forwards (2010) 1) Andre Iguodala 2) Luol Deng 3) Trevor Ariza 4) Dorell Wright 5) Josh Childress Top Five Shooting Guards (2007) 1) Ben Gordon 2) Kevin Martin 3) Tony Allen 4) Josh Childress 5) Kirk Snyder Top Five Shooting Guards (2010) 1) J.R. Smith 2) Ben Gordon 3) Delonte West 4) Kevin Martin 5) Tony Allen Top Five Point Guards (2007) 1) Devin Harris 2) Jameer Nelson 3) Shaun Livingston 4) Delonte West 5) Chris Duhon Top Five Point Guards (2010) 1) Devin Harris 2) Jameer Nelson 3) Chris Duhon 4) Beno Udrih 5) Royal Ivey Top 10 Overall Players (2007) 1) Dwight Howard 2) Emeka Okafor 3) Luol Deng 4) Ben Gordon 5) Andre Iguodala 6) Josh Smith 7) Devin Harris 8) Al Jefferson 9) Kevin Martin 10) Jameer Nelson Top 10 Overall Players (2010) 1) Dwight Howard 2) Al Jefferson 3) Andre Iguodala 4) Josh Smith 5) Anderson Varejao 6) J.R. Smith 7) Devin Harris 8) Ben Gordon 9) Delonte West 10) Emeka Okafor 2004 NBA Draft table courtesy of Wikipedia * Order of team grades will be determined by which teams had the earliest remaining pick. Grades will take into account players drafted and picks traded. A number in parenthesis indicates the number of the pick. A player in parenthesis indicates what player a traded pick turned into.* Orlando Magic Picks involved in: (1) Drafted Dwight Howard. (20) Traded their No. 20 pick in 2005 (Julius Hodge) to Denver for the rights to Jameer Nelson. (30) Drafted Anderson Varejao, then traded the rights to Varejao, Drew Gooden, and Steven Hunter to Cleveland for Tony Battie, the No. 44 pick in 2005 (Martynas Andriuskevicius), and the No. 54 pick in 2007 (Wound up in Houston as Brad Newley). (36) Phoenix traded this pick to Orlando for Donnell Harvey. Orlando then drafted Antonio Burks and sold his rights to Memphis for cash.Players received: Dwight Howard, Jameer Nelson, Tony Battie, Martynas Andriuskevicius Players lost: Julius Hodge, Anderson Varejao, Drew Gooden, Steven Hunter, Donell Harvey, Antonio Burks 2007 Review: Despite being very ragged defensively and raw offensively, Howard is a rebounding monster with explosive offensive skills and shot swatting capabilities. With a competent head coach in Stan Van Gundy replacing the inept Brian Hill, Howard offensive arsenal and basketball IQ should blossom. Howard is the best player in the draft and the pick would get an A if not for the fact that it was such an obvious decision to draft Howard. Jameer Nelson is a tweener. Not quite a point guard, not quite a two guard, he best suited to being a third guard in a rotation. Still, he a decent point maker, especially against opponents backups, and he much better than what would have become Julius Hodge, who has been riddled by injuries and awful luck in his brief NBA career. The Varejao trade was an awful one. Tony Battie is a respectable backup, but Andriuskevicius is no longer on the team and No. 54 picks don generally Reebok Pittsburg Steelers #83 Heath Miller Realtree camo Jersey
last in the NBA. Drew Gooden has developed into a poor defender and decision maker, but is a decent scorer from the high post and will battle on the boards. When the refs are letting Varejao flop and hack, he one of the better defenders in the league (when the refs aren, Varejao ends up plagued with fouls), and his energy and rebounding are exceptional. Steven Hunter is a blocks-per-minute machine. With Howard operating in the low post, wouldn Gooden be a nice fixture at the high post? Is Varejao worse than Tony Battie? Wouldn Steven Hunter be a better roster spot than a 54th pick or some European project who was abandoned within the month? The Antonio Burks trade opened up a roster spot and some cap room for the team. Orlando was one of the most active teams in the draft. Dwight Howard is the best player in the draft and I have Jameer Nelson pegged as the second best point guard in the draft. Those were excellent picks. Clearing up roster space and cap room instead of being tied up to a scrub was also a nice play. The Varejao trade is every bit as bad as the Nelson trade was good. 2007 Grade: B 2010 Review: Dwight Howard evolved into the best center in the game, yet alone the best player from the 2004 draft. There were some questions after the draft as to whether Emeka Okafor wouldve been the better pick, but Howard has taken those questions and dunked all over them. Essentially trading Julius Hodge for Jameer Nelson was an outstanding decision. After struggling with his role for the better part of four seasons, Nelson is now the unquestioned point guard for the Magic, who provides toughness and clutch shooting to one of the best teams in the East. Hodge struggled with injuries, a lack of talent, bad fortune, and is now out of the league. The Anderson Varejao trade looks just as awful now as it did in 2007. Martynas Andriuskevicius isn an NBA player, Tony Battie was an inconsequential backup, and the Magic draft pick wasn used on a player worthy of an NBA roster. In effect, the Magic gave up Drew Gooden, a useful NBA journeyman whose shooting wouldve fit well in Orlando spread offense, Varejao, who has evolved into one of the NBA elite role players, and Steven Hunter, a player better than Andriuskevicius. In fairness though, Varejao may not have fit into Orlando offense because he isn a terrific shooter, Gooden has always been inconsistent, and Hunter is a career backup. Drafting and trading Burks opened up some cap space and a roster spot. The Magic deserve credit for Dwight Howard, but he was the first overall pick and a fairly obvious selection. The Varejao trade was a horrible decision, but acquiring Nelson for nothing limits that blow. Due to Howard turning into a superstar, Nelson elevated play, and the questions as to whether Varejao could succeed on a team like Orlando, the pluses far outweigh the minuses. 2010 Grade: A- Charlotte Bobcats (2) Traded their No. 4 pick (Shaun Livingston) and No. 33 pick (Lionel Chalmers) to the L.A. Clippers for the No. Arizona Cardinals jersey
2 pick (Emeka Okafor). Charlotte also agreed to select Predrag Drobnjak from the Clippers in the Expansion Draft. (45) Milwaukee traded the No. 45 pick (Bernard Robinson) to Charlotte for Zaza Pachulia. Players received: Emeka Okafor, Predrag Drobnjak, Bernard Robinson Players lost: Shaun Livingston, Lionel Chalmers, Zaza Pachulia 2007 Review: Drobnjak and Chalmers have had inconsequential careers. Zaza Pachulia is a decent backup center, while Robinson still hasnt found a niche in the NBA. The big move was essentially deciding on Okafor over Livingston. While both have been stricken with injuries, Okafor are chronic while Livingston are career-threatening. Also, when Livingston was healthy, he never showed the ability to grasp the nuances of being an NBA point guard. In fact, Livingston best attribute was using his insane wingspan to swallow up opposing point guards trying to get around him. Okafor, however, has shown the ability to be one of the best defensive centers in the league. His raw offensive game has also improved as he now shoots over 50 percent from the field. If not for Howard, Okafor would easily be the best player in the draft. That gets the Bobcats an A. 2007 Grade: A 2010 Review: Drobnjak and Chalmers left no mark on the NBA, while the Bobcats lose points for swapping Pachulia, a respectable backup center, for Robinson, who is now out of the league. Trading up from Livingston to Okafor was a wise move in hindsight, as Livingston hasnt been the same since a horrendous knee injury, but did the Bobcats choose the best player available?Okafor hasn improved much since his initial seasons, has serious questions about his love of basketball, is only a marginal offensive player, and isn the defensive standout he was expected to be. While he looked great two years ago, the rest of the draft class has caught up. Instead of Okafor, the Bobcats could have had Ben Gordon, a scorer with range that the Bobcats have desperately lacked, or Al Jefferson, an authentic post scorer. Okafor an example of a player who looks less and less impressive the more he plays. 2010 Grade: B- Chicago Bulls (3) Drafted Ben Gordon. (7) Phoenix traded the No. 7 pick (Luol Deng) to Chicago for the No. 31 pick (Jackson Vroman), cash, and a future pick. (38) Toronto traded the No. 38 pick to Chicago in 2003 for the rights to Matt Bonner. Chicago drafted Chris Duhon with the No. 38 pick. Players received: Ben Gordon, Luol Deng, Chris Duhon Players lost: Jackson Vroman, Matt Bonner 2007 Review: Easily the team that did the best during the draft. Chicago drafted Ben Gordon and stole Luol Deng. Those players are the third and fourth best players in the draft, and are two of the best young scorers in the NBA. In tandem, they are up there as one of the most dynamic wing combinations in the entire league. Matt Bonner is a useful shooter and a fan favorite wherever he goes, but Chris Duhon is one of the better backup point guards in the league. Chicago got the better end of that deal and pretty much built the core of their team with the '04 draft. 2007 Grade: A+ 2010 Review: The 2004 draft looked great for the Bulls in 2007 and it looks great today. Deng and Gordon take hits, as the former has never expanded his range to the Atlanta Falcons jersey
three-point line and is only average athletically, while the latter is a mediocre finisher who takes plays off defensively. Either way, only the Bulls wound up with two of the top 11 players in the draft. Add in Chris Duhon, a capable starter/excellent backup currently spearheading the Knicks, and the Bulls get all A for the draft. 2010 Grade: A+ Los Angeles Clippers (4) Traded the No. 2 pick (Emeka Okafor) to Charlotte for the No. 4 pick (Shaun Livingston) and the No. 33 pick (Lionel Chalmers). Stipulated that Charlotte select Predrag Drobnjak in the Expansion Draft. (35) Traded the No. 35 pick (Andre Emmett) to Seattle for Predrag Drobnjak. Players received: Shaun Livingston, Lionel Chalmers Players lost: Emeka Okafor, Andre Emmett, Predrag Drobnjak. 2007 Review: The Okafor trade looks much worse in hindsight than it did at the time. The Clippers figured that with Elton Brand, Chris Kaman, and Chris Wilcox, they wouldn have room for another big man and looked to pick up their point guard of the future. Unfortunately, Kaman is unreliable, Wilcox never developed and was shipped out, and only Brand produces at a consistent clip. Shaun Livingston, meanwhile, never developed his offense and IQ to a point where he could pass Sam Cassell on the depth chart. After his gruesome knee energy, Livingston may never regain the quickness, speed, and agility to be the superstar many predicted he would become. 2007 Grade: C- 2010 Review: Shaun Livingston never developed his basketball IQ to the point where he could run the Clippers show, then blew out his knee. After the injury, Livingston hasn been able to crack a rotation. Okafor looks less and less impressive as time passes, but hed still have been a much better pick than Livingston.The selection is mitigated somewhat by the fact that the Clippers were stocked in their frontcourt at the time and are stocked in the frontcourt today. Plus, they couldn predict Livingston freak injury. Nonetheless, it doubtful Livingston would have had the career of some of Baltimore Ravens jersey
the players picked below him. 2010 Grade: D+ Washington Wizards (5) Drafted Devin Harris. Then traded the rights to Harris, Christian Laettner, and Jerry Stackhouse to Dallas for Antawn Jamison. (32) Drafted Peter John Ramos. Players Received: Antawn Jamison, Peter John Ramos Players Lost: Devin Harris, Christian Laettner, Jerry Stackhouse 2007 Review: The Jamison trade was one of those rare trades that benefited both teams involved.

12 Jan 11 NBA Trade Proposal: Atlanta Hawks Josh Smith for Toronto Raptors' Chris Bosh

Kevin C. Cox/Getty ImagesAtlanta Hawks' GM Rick Sund needs to pursuea trade next month to bring the Toronto Raptors forward Chris Bosh to Atlanta. Sund must be aggressive and make a push to try and win an NBA title this season.The proposed trade is Josh Smith and the rights to Josh Childress for Chris Bosh. The salaries for Smith and Bosh are not that far apart. To make it work, Sund could even throw in Jeff Teague. The trade makes sense for both teams.For Atlanta, Josh Smith's stock will never be higher than it is right now. Smith is a young star Reebok Chicago Bears #6 Jay Cutler Realtree camo Jersey
with a manageable contract. On a nightly basis, he is playing with more consistent effort especially on the boards. His ability and potential almost equal Bosh.The Hawks might be able to get some value from the rights to Josh Childress who is playing right now somewhere in front of 3,257 people in a small gym. The Raptors obtain two young, athletic players and they do not have to worry about losing Bosh this summer and getting nobody in return.Here are the top five reasons why Rick Sund should make this trade:Low Post Scoring Option To win in the playoffs, you need a low post scoring threat. Atlanta desperately needsa low post option. Bosh is an inside and an outside threat, but he would give the Hawksa low post option that would force teams in the Eastern Conference playoffs to double team him in the post.Coach Woodson could throw the ball inside and surround Bosh with Mike Bibby, Jamal Crawford, Joe Johnson, and Marvin Williamsall of these guys are threats from three-point range. Bosh gives the Hawks another guy that is not afraid to take and make a clutch shot.Priority No. 1 Is Power Forward Al Horford Hawks need to focus on signing Horford to a long term deal. While the focus for most teams is the free agents available this summer, Horford is going to be a free agent in 2011.The Hawks have to start planning for giving Horford a contract that is bigger than Josh Smith's current deal. Unlike Smith, "the Boss" is going to be pursued by any other NBA team with cap space. Horford is probably staring at an offer sheet worth about $75 million and a 2012 Olympic team roster spot.Horford is the type of player and citizen that every NBA GM and Owner covets. If you watched his interview on TNT tonight, you understand what I am saying. Horford is an All Star player today. His basketball IQ and other intangibles are off the charts.Horford's unique blend of leadership, skills, work ethic, and humility is worth millions to an NBA franchise. He is a flat out winner as a player and a person.Line-up FlexibilityCoach Mike Woodson would probably start Bibby, JJ, Marvin, Horford, and Bosh. You still have a solid second unit off the bench. Jamal Crawford would still play fourth quarter minutes at the point guard spot.In the fourth quarter, Woodson could go small with Reebok Dallas Cowboys #82 Jason Witten Realtree camo Jersey
Marvin at the power forward. Marvin could guard Rashard Lewis of the Orlando Magic. Marvin would be a tough match-up for Rasheed or Anderson Varejao.With Chris Bosh, the Hawks have a legitimate shot to win the Eastern Conference championship. They would just match up better with Orlando and Cleveland. Right now with Josh Smith, the Hawks can beat the Celtics in a seven-game series.Yes, the Hawks would lose a defensive shot-blocking presence, but Bosh is not a stiff defensively. Bosh actually will get into a defensive stance. He is more fundamentally sound defensively than J-Smoove. Rebounding is probably a stalemate between Smith and Bosh.The Hawks have an enormous problem dealing with Orlando' Dwight Howard. Howard seems to intimidate the entire team.On the offensive end, Boshcould make Howard play farther away from the basket.Thatalso frees up Horford to roam on the offensive boards or post up Lewis or Ryan Anderson.The Hawksstarting fivewould be a match upproblem for the Magic, Celtics, and Cavaliers, but their flexibility of different combinations would give them a shot to beat anyone in the East.An NBA Championship Window Is Actually Open For the Hawks, But For How Long?The 2010 playoffs might be the Hawks last chance to make arun atan NBA Championship.The Hawks are not going to trade Joe Johnson and he might leave this summer. I think JJ might be looking to team up with LeBron James and play the Scottie Pippen role.Like Johnson, Bosh will be playing for big money. Jamal Crawford will be playing at a high level in his first ever playoffs. Crawford will be playing for his next contract in 2011.Bibby is aging, but he still is clutch and he wants to get to the NBA Finals after his heartbreak in Sacramento. Zaza Pachulia seems interested in filling his role. He can guard Marcin Gortat. Marvin Williams is better on both ends of the floor. Maurice Evans is huge factor for the Hawks' second unit.2010 Summer Free Agent Possibilities What if Chris Bosh showed up in Atlanta at the end of February and the Hawks got to the Finals against the Lakers? Bosh might want to re-sign with the Hawks. What if Bosh signs with Atlanta, Joe Johnson leaves for the New York Knicks to play with LeBron, and Bosh convinces Dwayne Wade to come to Atlanta to replace JJ?That scenario is not that far-fetched. JJ wants something like five years and $80 million. Wade has talked in the past about only taking a three-year deal. Hawks actually could save $20 million and get a superstar. Would Wade pass up a chance to team with Bosh, Horford, Bibby, Marvin, and Crawford and take on LeBron?The Hawks could be coming off a championship year and actually have better personnel. Joe Johnson is a great player, but he a level below Wade. Wade and Bosh would fill Philips Arena every night.You might argue that the Hawks would be in trouble if they made this trade and both Bosh and Joe Johnson left this summer. If that happened, the Hawks would have major cash to Reebok Dallas Cowboys #9 Tony Romo Realtree camo Jersey
spend. In that situation, they could make an even harder run at D-Wade.The Hawks are playing Atlanta whose most famous denizen had a wonderful dream. Hawks ownership has to dare to dream. Be bold. Tell Mr. Sund to fire uphisNBA Trade Machine, and let's figure out a way to bring Chris Bosh back to the ATL.

12 Jan 11 Deron's First All-Star Appearance

Bryn Lennon/Getty ImagesDeron Williams played together with an all NBA selection with Kobe Bryant and Lebron James in the Olympics, he was also named All-NBA second team in 2008 and NBA All-rookie first team in his rookie year in 2006 the new face of the Utah Jazz franchise but for the past 3 years he never made it San Diego Chargers jersey
to the All-Stars. In their draft there are only two who emerge roses among the talented thorns one is Deron and the other who was drafted after him the number four draft pick Chris Paul. Unlike Deron, Paul played three All-star selections from 2008 to 2010 he also went on to grab the rookie of the year award and has played together with Williams on the Olympic team. They are the perfect parody for the saying "the first would be the last and the last would be the first"... unfortunately Deron got the bottom end of the stick. Following the John Stockton and Karl Malone era, Deron didn't waste time in replacing the vacuum left by Stockton. He is a smart player who has a quick jump step and passes the ball very well a good perimeter shooter and deceivingly high leaper in fast breaks. Deron have a double-double average in points San Francisco 49ers jersey
and assists. It was puzzling to know the times he was ignored in the All-stars after leading his team to consecutive playoffs even having 20-assists on two occasions in the 07-08 season.The NBA All-star selections normally have three point guards in their line-up 2007 have Allen Iverson, Steve Nash and Tony Parker. The 2008 selection bannered Iverson, Steve Nash and Chris Paul, 2009 have Chris Paul, Tony Parker and Chauncy Billups. Deron for his part will struggle to find his spot in those years even in 2009 when Parker had a good year and Billups had a magical turnaround with the Nuggets.But i do believe Deron in every word is an exception.Dallas is a special place for Deron having played basketball in a city in Denton County, Texas called the Colony wherein he lead his high school team to a 32-2 record and what a perfect time to see Deron's first All-star appearance on a town who first notice his basketball talent. Those 20 assists and double-double performance will always be notice it's like applying a job with a very impressive resume that you meticulously built in Seattle Seahawks jersey
through experienced and your employer will have no other choice but to say yes. Deron rightfully in any other way deserve to be an All-star and he has the right to be rubbing elbows against Chris Paul and Steve Nash as the West point guards...It took him three years to be on this spot and it was all worth it because he earned every inch to be called an All-star.


10 Jan 11 2010 NBA Trade Deadline Report Cards

Streeter Lecka/Getty ImagesFor the first time in recent memory, the NBA trading deadline lived up to all the hype.The perceived big catch of the this season's deadline, Amar'e Stoudamire, surprisingly ended up staying in Phoenix for the remainder of this season, but there were plenty of other moves that made headlines prior to Thursday afternoon.It seemed as if no player was safe, as there was promising youngsters, former all stars, savvy veterans, and some of the biggest names in the sport the past few year changing teams after the dust had cleared. Reebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
So who were the biggest trade deadline winners and losers? Did your team improve for this year, clear cap room for next season,or both? Or did your favorite team totally blow it on Thursday?Each team involved in the trading frenzy the past few days will be graded here. Grades will be given based on how the moves effect the team for the long and short term. In other words, how does you team's moves affect the remainder of this season, as well as upcoming seasons.With that said, here are the 2010 NBA trade deadline report cards.Cleveland Cavaliers, A+Originally, the Cavs were rumored to be close to getting Amar'e Stoudamire from the Suns, but when Phoenix proved indecisive and wanted to wait until the last possible minute to make a decision on Stoudamire's future, Cleveland looked elsewhere.The Cavs ended up landing Washington Wizards' forward Antawn Jamison. Stoudamire is a better player, but the result may actually be a better fit, and and allowed Cleveland to keep JJ Hickson.The move only cost Cleveland Zydrunas Ilgauskas, who more-than-likely will be bought out and then rejoin the Cavs after 30 days and a 2010 first-round draft pick.Having Stoudamire down low with Shaq didn't work in Phoenix, clogging up the lane and limiting Steve Nash's penetrating ability. LeBron is the king of penetrating, drawing the defense, and dishing to wide open guys on the perimeter, and Jamison is perfectly comfortable hitting shots from long range.The move works in two ways, as not only makes the Cavaliers the favorites to come out of the East this year, but gives LeBron James incentive to resign with Cleveland rather than leave as a free agent this summer.Houston Rockets, ALast season, the Houston Rockets were built around a veteran core of Tracy McGrady, Yao Ming, and Ron Artest and were mildly successful. Nobody would have thought that they would get better after losing all three.The Rockets were able to dump McGrady on the Knicks, who had only played three games for the Rockets this season before he was banished from the team. In return, Houston basically got a player with a similar skill set as McGrady who is four years younger in Kevin Martin.Beyond getting Martin, Houston also got promising rookie Jordan Hill, an athletic forward who was stuck on the Knicks bench, Jared Jefferies, an athletic shot blocker who, at 6'11", can guard anyone from shooting guards to centers, forward Hilton Armstrong, who is nothing more than a throw-in, and two future draft picks.The Rockets did have to give up Carl Landry, who was having a career year but has struggled of late. Landry is only 26 and has been a pleasant surprise this season with his averages of 16 points and five rebounds per game, so it remains to be seen if the Rockets were smart by "selling high."New York Knicks, A-It's not very often that a team acquires an aging superstar who can't stay healthy, has barely played in almost an entire calender year, and was basically being paid $20 million by his last team to stay away, but that's exactly what happened when the Knicks traded for Tracey McGrady.The Knicks gave up very little to get the former superstar. Jordan Hill didn't fit into coach Mike D'Antoni's system and was stuck on the Knick's bench; Jarred Jefferies is an offensive liability on an offensive-minded team, not to mention the team needed to get rid of his contract in order to have enough cap room to pursue two "max contract" free agents during the offseason; and while it's tough to see New York part with more draft picks, it's not like they have an impeccable draft record.It's no secret that he Knicks wanted McGrady because of his expiring contract, sticking to their plan to have as much cap space as possible for this summer's free agent class. However, McGrady Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
will play for the Knicks, giving him two months to prove to the basketball world that he's still got something left in the tank. If he can, New York could conceivably sign two max-contract players, then resign McGrady even if it puts them over the cap. It's a low-risk, high-reward move on all fronts.The Knicks also got Sergio Rodriguez from Sacremento in the deal. He's a speedy, athletic point guard who could end up blossoming in D'Antoni system.So what is keeping the Knicks from getting an A+? It's the second move they made on Thursday, sending Nate Robinson and Marcus Landry to Boston for Eddie House, J.R. Giddens, and Bill Walker.Yes, Nate Robinson can not be a point guard in Mike D'antoni's system, spent a good part of the season in the coach's dog house, plays zero defense, and is prone to some poor decision making at times, but the Knicks seem to be so focused on this summer that it's almost like they forgot they are still playing this year.The Knicks have no shot at the playoffs this season, and there is very little to be happy about at MSG again this year, so why trade Nate Robinson? He's exciting to watch play, and the fans love his act. Sure, it may not fit into the future plans of Donnie Walsh and Mike D'Antoni, but his contract is up at the end of the season anyway. Would it have killed the Knicks to give the fans a fun player to watch for the rest of the year and just part ways after the season?Oh yeah, the Knicks also traded Darko Milicic to Minnesota for Brian Cardinal, in what may be the most meaningless move ever.Portland Trailblazers, BThe Portland Trailblazers made a very solid deal by acquiring Marcus Camby from the L.A. Clippers.Camby is limited offensively, scoring most of his points on tip-ins and put-backs, but he is an athletic forward/center, who can still run the floor, rebounds, and is a terrific shot blocker.While Camby can struggle at times guarding the bigger stronger centers in the NBA, his rebounding and shot-blocking will pick up the slack, as LaMarcus Aldridge has proven to not be committed to those areas of the game.Not to mention, this deal is good insurance just in case Greg Oden continues to miss time with injuries.Amazingly, the Blazers gave up very little for Camby, who may be the only guy on the planet who wanted to stay with the Clippers.The Clippers got Travis Outlaw, who can score but refuses to play defense or within a team concept, and is a terrible rebounder for his size, and Steve Blake, who can shoot the three, doesn't turn the ball over, and does the little things as good as anyone, but he's only average defensively and is not a difference maker by any means. Sacramento Kings, BThe Kings were part of the three-team deal that landed Tracy McGrady in New York, as Sacramento landed Carl Landry, Larry Hughes, and Joey Dorsey, while sending Kevin Martin to Houston and Sergio Rodriguez to the Knicks.The Kings had to part with Kevin Martin, who after missing much of the season so far due to injury, proved that he couldn't play in the same back court as rookie Tyreke Evans, as both players need the ball in their hands to be successful, and young point guard Sergio Rodriguez, who is full of promise but expendable.In return, the Kings get Larry Hughes from New York, who had been stuck Reebok New York Giants #27 Brandon Jacobs Realtree camo Jersey
on Mike D'Antoni's bench but has an expiring contract, Joey Dorsey from Houston, Larry Hughes, and Carl Landry from Houston, a young forward in the midst of a breakout season.Landry's play has been down a bit of late, but he can bang inside with the big guys of the NBA, has range, and plays solid defense. The King's front court needed help, especially since Spencer Hawes is proving to be soft, so getting Landry was a good move.Charlotte Bobcats, B-The Bobcats made a statement that they are serious about making the playoffs this year when they took a huge gamble on disappointing Bulls forward Tyrus Thomas.The Bobcats gave up bench players Acie Law, Flip Murray, and a lottery protected draft pick for Thomas, who despite being incredibly talented in all aspects of the game, has been his own worst enemies with erratic, uninspired played during his short time in Chicago.Charlotte gave up very little for a former lottery pick, so there is very little risk associated with this move. If Thomas can blossom under Larry Brown's tutelage, it will allow Gerald Wallace to play his natural position of small forward and give the Bobcats one of the most athletic front courts in the league.If Thomas continues to his poor play and decision making, he'll find himself at the end of Brown's bench in no time.Basically, the time is now for Tyrus Thomas to prove he belongs in the NBA. Under Brown, he can either end up blossoming like Allen Iverson did or failing like Stephon Marbury.Still, for an up-and-coming team like the Bobcats, this was a risk worth taking.Boston Celtics, CThe Celtics decided to keep the "Big Three" together for another title run and only made one move at the deadline with an emphasis of strengthening their bench. The move the made, however, was a bit of a head scratcher, as Boston acquired Nate Robinson from the Knicks for Eddie House, J.R. Giddens, and Bill Walker.The Celtics are a team that commits to the team concept, makes the extra pass, and plays excellent defense, while Robinson is know for making poor decisions, shoots all the time, and doesn't play defense.The Celtics also are an aging team with a lot of jump shooters, who have very few guys who can create their own shot. Robinson will bring youth, speed, can get his own shot, and attacks the rim with a vengeance.Nate Robinson makes sense on a team like the Knicks, who play no defense and have not much good going for it, but for a contender like Boston, this is a gamble, especially since the Cavs, who already was better than Boston, made a huge move. It could easily back fire, and even if Robinson can fit in, it's an average move.Milwaukee Bucks, C-The Bucks traded Hakim Warrick and Joe Alexander to the Chicago Bulls for John Salmons.Salmons, who was having a disappointing season in Chicago, can shoot and plays solid defense. He's a decent replacement for injured shooting guard Michael Redd, but he takes a lot of shots and plays as if he thinks he's a better player than he actually is.The Bulls get Hakim Warrick, an athletic player with very little range who also is a turnstile on defense, and Joe Alexander, who is barely an NBA-caliber player.It's basically a trade of disappointments, with the Bulls getting slightly more quantity and the Bucks getting slightly Reebok New York Jets #6 Mark Sanchez Realtree camo Jersey
more quality.Chicago Bulls, DThe Bulls traded Tyrus Thomas and John Salmons for basically nothing in return, basically waving the white flag for the rest of this year.Yes, both players were very disappointing this year, but the Bulls did this trade deadline like they have done everything else in recent years, half-way.The Bulls partly cleaned house with these moves but were unable to get rid of Kirk Hinrich or Brad Miller.The Bulls, like every other team that stinks, are planning to make a splash during this upcoming offseason, so these moves barely matter, anyway.L.A. Clippers, DThe Clippers got three guys that are barely even six men in the NBA in Steve Blake, Drew Gooden, and Travis Outlaw.Drew Gooden was apart of the trade that sent Antawn Jamison to Cleveland. The Clippers sent Sebastian Telfair to Cleveland and received Gooden from the Wizards immediately after he was acquired from the Mavericks.It remaians to be seen if Gooden will play in LA or if he'll be bought out, and losing Telfair is no big deal.The Clippers also traded Marcus Camby to Portland for Steve Blake and Travis Outlaw.How the Clippers could trade Camby, who openly campaigned to stay with the team for so little is a joke of a move by a snake-bitten franchise.Washington Wizards, DThis team has been one of the most disappointing squads in the league the past couple of years, and once Gilbert Arenas's bone-headedness sabotaged the Wizards season, the team had no choice but to scrap it's plans and rebuild.It's completely understandable that the Wizards felt the need to trade former All-Star Antawn Jamison, but to trade him to a conference rival for absolutely nothing is ridiculous.The only bright spot of the Wizards trade is the fact they got Cleveland's first-round pick this year, but since the Cavs are one of the best teams in the NBA, it's going to be a late first round pick.How Washington could not demand J.J. Hickson, like the other teams the Cavs were trying to deal with is inexcusable.Miami Heat, FThe Miami Heat made it no Reebok Oakland Raiders #21 Nnamdi Asomugha Realtree camo Jersey
secret that they were trying to add another player to complement Dwayne Wade in an effort to persuade D-Wade from leaving via free agency during the offseason. Miami even went as far as to offer anyone on the squad other than Wade to Phoenix for Amare Stoudamire.Nothing worked, as no teams wanted any of the heat's players, not even youngsters Mario Chalmers and Michael Beasley.It was a huge swing-and-a-miss for the Miami Heat and their fans, as Wade remains the only bright spot on the team.Sorry Miami, enjoy D-Wade while you still have him.


9 Jan 11 Monta Ellis: Golden State Would Be Better If He Would Pass the Ball

Jed Jacobsohn/Getty ImagesScientists know little about the phenomenon known as black holes, except they?consume everything in their space,?but a good point of reference may be found in the Bay area where Golden State's Monta Ellis resides.Ellis is a superior offensive talent without question, but his unwillingness to share the basketball is just another area of concern for a franchise whose season has been defined by them.Speculation says Ellis will be available at the conclusion of the regular season, and his lack of distribution skills probably has a lot to do New Orleans Saints jersey
with the decision despite his formidable scoring abilities.Stephen Curry and Ellis gives the Warriors one of the more exciting back courts in the NBA, but the pairing has been diminished by the refusal of Ellis to equally share playmaking responsibilities.Ellis has the talent to pass the ball, as his five assist per game average will attest, but he either lacks the will or the desire to improve his team in that particular area.Golden State's recent nationally televised game against the Denver Nuggets was a prime example of Ellis' black hole tendencies, as his 6-of-22 shooting performance effectively ended any chances for an upset.He definitely had a bad shooting night, but although his shot wasn't falling Ellis continued to throw up bad attempts at an alarming rate, and had one stretch where he shot the ball nine times in a row.This type of gunnery does little to garner faith from teammates and even if Ellis remains with the team, he will have a hard time establishing the trust necessary to move forward.But in all honesty, this may be his mission, since his resentment for Curry seems to be sneaking back into the spotlight after Ellis' refusal to cheer his teammates on in a recent game.His non-chalant attitude has become a cause of disdain for Warrior fans everywhere, and his indiscretions may be a result of theNew York Giants jersey
spotlight shifting its focus to Curry.It's no secret that Ellis views himself as the alpha-male of the Golden State team, but the simple truth is Curry is more skilled, and has a much bigger upside than Ellis could ever possess.Ellis is one-dimensional in many aspects of the game, while Curry excels in multiple parts of the game, and even though his offensive acumen is on par with Ellis, Curry would much rather get his teammates involved.This has caused a visible rift as Curry's stock continues to rise, and Ellis continues to shoot despite the adverse effects it has on his team, and their ability to remain competitive.So is it in Ellis' DNA to change, or has his future as a one-dimensional, tunnel vision player been delivered into the hands of fate? It's unlikely Ellis will change and by all appearances he has no desire to do so.I once felt Ellis and Curry were the future of the team, but Ellis is not the type of player to complement Curry's skills, and instead of him helping the rookie, his attitude could possibly stunt Curry's growth.I hope I'm wrong in my assessment New York Jets jersey
because?I have grown to appreciate the way the combination of Curry and Ellis were able to defy the odds and become the top scoring tandem in the league.But, the sad reality is there may be truth in Ellis' claim that he and Curry would be unable to coexist in the same back court, and it seems the cause is due more to Ellis' selfishness than anything else.


8 Jan 11 If Kobe Bryant's Six Game-Winning Shots Are Not Clutch, Then What Is?

Christian Petersen/Getty ImagesMiami, Milwaukee, Dallas, Sacramento, Memphis, and Torontoall last-second victims to Kobe Bryant, considered by some as the most clutch player of the last decade, and by others as not even worthy of being in the conversation.The debate has been fierce, and the statistics for New York Giants jersey
Bryant's worthinessespecially against ithave been swift andsteady, with his detractors clutching to numbers credited to a website and ESPN.Most are familiar with the website so I won't go into great detail, and everyone has heard the musings of ESPN which uses complicated methods like the PER system to measure the value of a player on the court.All of this dims in comparison to what has actually transpired on the court of play because Bryant's sixth game-winning shot this seasoncoming against the Toronto Raptorsgave him the most in the last decade.Take a moment to let this information process before a rush to judgment commences. Over the past decade, no other player has successfully ended a game with a last-second shotas many timesas Bryant.The argument that Bryant is not a clutch player looks ridiculous when enlightened by that information, but unbelievably this accomplishmentlike Bryant's many othershas been trivialized.There have even been some who say that just because Bryant hit a couple of game-winning shots, it does not make up for the fact he takes more of those shots than any other player in the league.This maneuver is usually initiated to draw attention away from a feat that most were not even cognizant of, and return the debate to a more familiar arena, such as Bryant's propensity to attempt questionable shots.When used to ignore Bryant's clutch status, it is an effective tactic; but by employing this measure, other avenues are opened which must be considered also.Bryant does take more shots in critical situations than any other NBA player and he connects on one quarter of those attempts, yet even this is used as fire against Bryant.What other player has hit one quarter of their shots in situations which determine the outcomes of games? Furthermore, there are New York Jets jersey
few players who have the courage to consistently perform under those circumstances and live with the consequences.Bryant's focus makes him impervious to the pressure which falls on his shouldersespecially in those situationsand his mentality gives him the fortitude to show no fear on that stage.Of course he misses more of these shots than he makes, but that is a theme which is repeated for the majority of the players who attempt shots in those scenarios, except none have been in that light as much as Bryant.The clutch argument has become tedious and redundant. Even though everyone from NBA players, general managers, and coaches alike say Bryant is their choice for the last shot with the game on the line, the debate persists.Fellow LA Lakers featured columnist, Nate Smith, penned an article in which he said Bryant was the definition of a clutch player. And although real facts back him up, the backlash was considerable.Numerous detractors with statistics in tow stood ready to denounce Nate's article as another example of "Kobe Love," when all he was really doing was stating the obvious.It would be simple for anyone to recognize the merits of Bryant as a clutch player if they would spend less time crunching numbers, and more time actually watching the games.If they did, they would be aware of Oakland Raiders jersey
Bryant's six game-winning shots this season, which stands as the most in a decade, and theone-statistic naysayers can't bury that beneath their irrelevant numbers.I'm not sure I would call Kobe Bryant NBA history's most clutch player, but based on his accomplishments this season, he is definitely the most clutch playerthis year and of the decade.